Speech & Language Development Milestones



Speech Development Milestones:
Age 3: m, n, h, p, f, b, d
Age 4: k, g, t
Age 5: J, v
Age 6: ing, l, s, r, ch, z, th, sh

Receptive and Expressive Language Development

Age Receptive Language Expressive Language What Parents Can Do To Help
0-3 months -Startles to a sudden noise.
-Soothed or calmed by your voice.
-Turns head toward you when you speak.
-Appears to smile or focus on voices when spoken t.o
-Wakes up in response to loud sounds.
-Coos, gurgles.
-Mimics facial expressions. (stick out tongue)
-Has different cries for different circumstances. (hunger, pain)
-Read simple board books.
-Sing songs to your baby.
3-6 months -Turn or looks towards sound.
-Responds to changes in your voice.
-Enjoys toys that make sounds.
-Repeats simple sounds. (baba, ooh)
-May squeal or shriek with excitement.
-Laughs out loud.
-Using simple signs. (more, byebye, eat)
-Imitate movements, faces, oand sounds your baby makes.
6-10 months -Respond to name.
-Respond to environemental sounds. (door bell, telephone)
-Begin to respond to requests. (byebye, come here)
-Comprehends no.
-Looks at familiar person when named or object when talked about.
-Babbles to self.
-Babbling may sound speech-like in tone.
-Uses variety of sound combinations.
-May begin signing.
-Expresses preferences even if nonverbally.
-Continue signing.
-Sing interactive songs. (itsy-bitsy spider, wheels on bus)
-Talk about what you are doing while doing it.
10-15 months -Enjoys games of peekaboo.
-Points to familiar objects or people when asked.
-Can follow simple 1-step commands with gestures.
-Imitate simple sounds.
-Uses at least 1 word meaningfully.
-Plays with voice, variety of sound combinations.
-Imitate sounds and words your child says.
-Ask simple questions when reading. (who, what, where)
-Keep reading and talking<.br>
15-18 months -Follows simple commands without cues.
-Can point to some body parts.
-Begin identify pictures in books.
-Begin identify common objects.
-Begin 2-3 word phrases to make requests. (more milk)
-Repeating words.
-Begins communicating with more words than gestures.
-Talk about common vocabulary during routines.
-Label items and actions in environment.
18-24 months -Respond to simple yes/no questions.
-Understand simple phrases.
-Understands you when you call from another room.
-50 words.
-Ask for foods and objects.
-Uses possessive pronouns. (mine)
-Regularly uses 2-3 word phrases.
-Makes animal sounds.
-Read together. -Have child point to objects in books.
-Encourage child to use words not gestures.
-Model good language.
-Talk about what is going on around you.
24-36 months -Can choose things by size.
-Follow 2-step directions.
-Understand actions.
-Listen to simple stories.
-Understand taking turns.
-Vocabulary 250-1000 words.
-Speech is clearer. (75% intelligible)
-Uses simple pronouns.
-Use descriptive words. (big, happy)
-Knows some spatial concepts on, in.
-Uses 3+ words in sentence.
-Answer simple questions.
-Use inflection when ask question.
-Model correct grammar.
-Describe in details about events. (first, then)
-Expand on what your child says but not expecting them to repeat it.
3-4 years -Identify colors.
-Categorize items.
-Understand more/most.
-Uses ing verbs.
-Put together 4-5 words in sentence.
-Complete analogies.
-Carry on short conversation.
-Lay with sounds and language making silly word combinations.
-Continue reading.
-Label feelinfs.
-Work on sequencing events.
-Label feelings.
4-5 years -Understand most of what is said to him/her about recent, past, present, future events.
-Knows a variety of colors, shapes.
-Understand spatial concepts next to, behind.
-Follow complex directions.
-Answer why questions.
-1500 word vocabulary.
-Defines words.
-Uses some irregular past tense verbs.
-Can describe how to do something.
-Ask open ended questions.
-Provide definitions of new words.
-Expose to a variety of activities with new vocabulary.
5 years -Understand time concepts.
-Understand qualitative concepts.
-Understand most conversations.
-Complete 3-4 step directions.
-2000+ word vocabulary.
-Can explain at least 3 stage sequences.
-Sentences 8+ words.
-Repeat sentences.
-Engage in elaborate conversations.
-Use adjectives to describe.
-Use past tense forms.
-Explain new vocabulary.